Dyess Lecture in Marketing presents “Linking Marketing Metrics to Financial Consequences” April 15

Fort Worth, TX


Dr. David J. Reibstein, professor of Marketing at The Wharton School, will discuss his book, Marketing Metrics: 50+ Measures Every Manager Should Master, for the 2011 Dyess Lectureship in Marketing, an annual event sponsored by the Neeley School of Business at TCU that brings leading minds in marketing today to share knowledge and insight with TCU business students, faculty and area business leaders. The Dyess Lecture in Marketing will be held on Friday, April 15, 2011, 7:30-9 a.m.,  at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center on the TCU campus. Breakfast will be served. There is no charge to attend but seating is limited and registration is required. Click here to register <>.


A former executive director of the Marketing Science Institute, Dr. Reibstein consults extensively with companies worldwide, including GE, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Rohm and Haas, and others. Dr. Reibstein's research covers competitive marketing strategies, marketing metrics and product line decisions. His most recent research offers companies insight into ways to anticipate competitors’ reactions to marketing actions and use them as a part of their marketing strategy.  Dr. Reibstein is the author or co-author of numerous books and chapters in books on competitive marketing strategy, global branding, and marketing performance measurement and more. He is a dynamic, award-winning teacher who has been honored with more than 30 teaching awards. He received his PhD from Purdue University and his BS and BA degrees from the University of Kansas.