Extended Education fall catalog is now available

Fort Worth, TX


Extended Education has expanded its offerings of unique courses through strategic partnerships with community organizations, local museums and churches, and TCU faculty and alumni. The new fall catalog is now available in print and online at

Among the creative courses are "Travel the World with TCU” offering four individually sponsored trips including Spain, Italy, Greece and Austria; numerous educational programs through the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT); a historic opportunity featuring a documentary film and discussion on “The Real Story of Charlie Wilson” followed the next day by the Jim Wright Symposium featuring Charlie Wilson as the speaker; an educational course “Electing a President 2008: Are We There Yet?” by the Center for Texas Studies; and "Old World Wines vs. New World Wines” for those wanting to learn about different European winemaking styles. Other notable courses include “The Barnett Shale: Facts, Myths and Opportunities” where attendees will learn more about the industry; and a non-credit pharmacy technician course.

Extended Education also will offer its traditional courses this fall including family financial planning, non-profit development, ballroom dancing, botanic gardening, computer classes, languages, home improvement, and literature. Beginning and intermediate guitar, piano, Pilates, and meditation courses also will be offered.