Chancellor Boschini remarks

It has been said: “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” How true!  

TCU’s Veterans Plaza is a testament to all of the brave Horned Frogs who have given so much so that America remains the land of the free.  To quote the late poet Archibald MacLeish:  “There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream.  They are right, it is our dream.”

Many here today have fought the good fight to keep this dream alive. To you, we offer our undying thanks. 

This space also is a memorial to our fallen heroes.  All who walk upon this campus on this day of remembrance — and on all the days to come — are and will be reminded of our lost heroes — of their honor, of their valor and of their ultimate gift to us all.  Many of their families and loved ones are with us today.  To you, we humbly offer our gratitude for your sons and daughters, your mothers and fathers, your brothers and sisters, your friends and loved ones.  You, too, have sacrificed greatly for your nation and for us all.   We thank you.

Now, it is my honor to recognize the veterans present today.  As I call out the name of the conflict in which you served, please stand.

- War World II
- The Korean War
- The Vietnam War
- Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury)
- Panama (Operation Just Cause)
- The Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)
- Somalia (Operation Restore Hope)
- Kosovo (Operation Allied Force and Operation Noble Anvil)
- Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom)
- Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
- And all those who have served in the military at other times

Please join me in showing our appreciation for our veterans.

Now it is my pleasure to introduce Texas Secretary of State and TCU Trustee Roger Williams, who imagined a Veterans Plaza at TCU and garnered the support of scores of patriotic citizens to make it a reality. Secretary Williams.