Texas law requires that all incoming students show proof of meningitis vaccination

Fort Worth, TX


Texas House Bill 4189 requires that all incoming students to a Texas university show proof that they have received a bacterial meningitis vaccination at least 10 days prior to arrival on campus.  Students who do not show proof of receiving the vaccine to the TCU Health Center may not check into a residence hall or move on campus until 10 days after receiving the vaccination. (Note: Most vaccinations received during school years are valid and the student may not need to be re-vaccinated.)

All expenses associated with hotel stays, storage facilities and transportation to and from campus will be the student/family’s responsibility.

The vaccination is available at the TCU Health Center during regular business hours or may be obtained from personal medical providers.

For more information or questions, contact Housing & Residence Life at 817-257-7865 or the TCU Health Center at 817-257-7940 or email