Schieffer School/CSIS hosting dialogue on "Implications of the Gulf Spill"

Fort Worth, TX


TCU's Schieffer School of Journalism  and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. are holding a dialogue titled “Implications of the Gulf Spill” on Wednesday, June 23 at 5:30 p.m. EDT. The dialogue, hosted by Bob Schieffer, CBS News Face the Nation and TCU alumnus, will be broadcast live on the Schieffer School Web site at 4:30 p.m. CDT. Go to

Featured speakers are James R. Schlesinger, former secretary of energy, trustee and counselor; Phil Sharp, president of CSIS Resources for the Future; Frank Verrastro, director of CSIS Energy and National Security Program; and Steven Mufson, energy correspondent for The Washington Post.

The series of monthly dialogues feature top public policy experts, government officials, leading think-tank scholars, and prominent journalists discussing issues related to national security, foreign policy and global challenges.

CSIS is a bipartisan, independent, nonprofit organization that provides strategic insights and policy solutions to decision makers in government, international institutions, the private sector and civil society. It has earned the reputation of being one of the world's preeminent public policy institutions.

The Schieffer School is emerging as one of the world’s top journalism schools dedicated to preparing professionals in both journalism and strategic communications for the new media world, while maintaining the traditional standards of basic, straightforward reporting and ethics.

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