MBA students focus on new Sony videocamera in team competition

Fort Worth, TX


Sony Electronics and the Neeley School of Business at TCU announce that a team of five MBA students from Wisconsin, Howard, Baylor, SMU and TCU won first place in the third annual Neeley Sales & Marketing Strategy Case Competition, held March 26, 2010, at Neeley School. The intense one-day competition challenges MBA students each year to help solve real challenges that face the leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications and information technology products for consumer and professional markets.

This year’s competition focused on the new Sony bloggie™ camera, which offers simple, high-quality MP4 video and still photo shooting, as well as easy Web-sharing capabilities. Students received information on the bloggie™ camera one week prior to the competition to familiarize themselves with the product. At the competition, the students were divided into teams, then each team had five hours to work on the case and 10 minutes to present their recommendations to Sony marketing executives.

“Sony is a great sponsor for this case competition,” said Bill Cron, associate dean of Graduate Programs at the Neeley School. “They bring the international presence to the program that we foster in our MBA students, plus the latest innovations in electronics that are vital to modern communications. In return, the MBA students provide insight into the thinking and retail habits of some of Sony’s most significant customers.”

First Place and $6,000 went to:
Reema Singh (Neeley School of Business at TCU)
Gustavo Leone (Wisconsin Business School)
Nicole Nash (Howard University)
Raef Wyatt (Baylor/Hankamer)
Chase Washington (SMU Cox)

Second Place and $4,000 went to:
Travis Redman (Neeley School of Business at TCU)
Brandon Anderson (BYU/Marriott)
Andrew Casson (SMU Cox)
Susan Guttler (Notre Dame)
Megan Schuelke (University of Iowa)

Third place and $2,000 went to:
Karthik Srikanta (Neeley School of Business at TCU)
Lance Melnichenko (Neeley School of Business at TCU)
Victoria Ekwenuke (Howard University)
Ryan Goodnight (Texas A&M/Mays)
Melissa Mohr (Rice/Jones)